Occupation: Artist (O:A)

Kelly McDonald. Becky Bliss. Nadine Smith. Vivien Atkinson. Caroline Thomas. Sarah Read

15 November 2015 – 6 February 2016


O: A is 7 Wellington-based contemporary jewellers determined to make their art and get it out there. These shows were first exhibited at Radiant Pavilion in Melbourne earlier this year. The event was a celebration of the many aspects of contemporary jewellery and object practice in Melbourne and around the world. Titled, Occupy Crossley Street, O: A gently invaded the non-art related shop fronts and street-scape of the classic Melbourne artisan lane - Crossley Street - also home to the prestigious contemporary jewellery gallery, Funaki Gallery. 

These O: A exhibitions begin on the 16th November with a new artist showing every two weeks and will end on the 6th February. For more information about O: A go to occupationartist.wordpress.com


Caroline Thomas. Making An Exhibition of Myself

This collection of work was first exhibited in Melbourne, at Radiant Pavilion 2015, where they were displayed in the windows of a bar on Crossley Street. The bar's name 'EastEndDen' reminded me of the pub culture of my home town, London, and these pieces are consequently named after four iconic and generic British pub names. One of the names, 'The Moon Under Water' is the name of an ideal imaginary pub described by George Orwell, in a newspaper piece from 1946 Click here for link to the essay.These works are about what might have been and what may yet happen. All of them are taking part in a rambling conversation, carried out late at night in a favourite pub, when they should have gone home hours ago but stayed on to have 'one more for the road'.

Vivien Atkinson. Whose Inheritance?

Silver plate passed down the generations is no longer regarded as an integral part of important family celebrations and high holidays. These small pieces seek to restore some dignity, respect and use. Cut from objects purchased at Op shops - as I work I wonder what history these pieces hold? Whose unwanted inheritance?

Nadine Smith. Private Universe

We live in a consumer society where if something no longer quite works or lives up to our expectations it can easily be replaced. I have an instinctive interest in the broken and parted with, a desire to pick up pieces and create a new whole.

The work Private Universe creates a window to an imagined natural open space, as a contrast to the dense artificial cityscape surrounding it.

In this case, parts of a defunct piano provide inspiration. The essence of my materials are worked with intuitively. By deconstructing the internal mechanism and playing with the parts, I whimsically reconstruct new meaning. The once discarded plays on.

Becky Bliss. Finding Found

Finding Found is an interactive exhibition by Becky Bliss. Contemporary jewellers are notorious for looking for ‘treasures’ on the street. This exhibition invites you to search for your own treasure and to keep a badge if you find one. Previously exhibited in Melbourne as part of Radiant Pavilion, a 6 day jewellery and object trail, The See Here is now pleased to present Finding Found in Wellington.

Kelly McDonald. Tinker, Tailor